The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs

Although Jacobs created his topic rather artificially rather than from a sense of trying to please God and live according to the Bible, his story is still an appealing one. He clearly did his research when he was trying to to follow the Bible. His family history of Judaism was interesting, too, despite his protestations that he was an agnostic. I enjoyed exploring the variation pieces of the Bible that he selected, although he presents each topic rather randomly as opposed to chronologically as presented in the Bible. Some of his musings require more than glancing thoughts on the part of the reader (which I enjoyed). Jacobs divulges quite a bit about his family, and not all of it was flattering. I appreciated his in depth research, too. I was also intrigued by his accounts of the different people he visited (the Amish, the snake handler, Jerry Falwell, etc.)


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