Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
It took 6 months on the public library's waiting list for my turn to read this book. I picked up the brand-new-never-been-opened copy of the book and figured the library had to buy a new copy when the old one was tattered from multiple readers. I was really psyched to read this book. Thus I was really disappointed. The book was too brainy for me. The characters were not likable (at all). The plot line was depressing: who wants to read about two intellectual snobs that are socially inept? The characters also spell out how they feel--the reader doesn't have to do a lot to figure them out. How boring. I quit reading after page 75 or so. I suppose, though, the failure to like the book lies with me. Surely the international hype is not that far off the mark! I'll chalk up my dislike to the fact that I wasn't in the mood to read a philosophical dissertation. Just give me an old fashioned book with a solid plot line that is well written with well drawn characters who are reasonably believable. I don't have to like the characters, but I do have to care enough about them to get past p. 75.