The Missing Girl by Norma Fox Mazer

This was another book that was reviewed in the English Journal. The plot has six main characters: five sisters ranging in age from 11-17, and a man who watches them. Each chapter is told from a different point of view, but the story moves forward with each chapter. As I read, I got really creeped out. I can't say much without giving away the plot, but suffice it to say that this is every mother's nightmare. Mazer doesn't go into explicit detail, but she does give you enough to break your heart. To make you furious. To frighten you (especially if you are the mother of three girls!). The book is not too long--I finished it in barely two sittings. However, the subject matter is disturbing.
The book is billed as a YA novel; I wouldn't recommend it to anyone under 9th grade. And I would recommend that a loving adult have a discussion with whatever YA reads the book.


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